After almost 10 months of waiting for the funding to come through and battling red tape surrounding the development of Pluto, we’re pleased to finally announce that we’re in full flow again. Hurray! 🙂

We’d originally envisaged at least having a beta version of the gameworld released and available to experience on PC/MAC earlier in the year, however things haven’t quite panned out that way. We’re now looking at April 2016 before we release our Pluto beta.

Of course, we will be posting regular snapshots, updates and curious snippets as things evolve more rapidly here on the blog and on our Tumblr page. So please bookmark us!

On the very big plus side, Pluto has become more graphically and technically accomplished throughout the course of the year as we’ve been keeping it ticking through the endless agreements and paperwork. It’s also made some fantastic demo appearances at various exhibits and conferences, and the story itself has both evolved and honed down.

Pluto Accolades

We’re delighted that a work of digital fiction as ambitious and experimental as Pluto has been given a Digital Art award and funding, and look forward to pushing the boundaries as far as we can across multiple platforms… And realities. 🙂